- Type part of the donor’s name in the Quick Search bar and select the donor from the list that appears.
- Click on the ‘Donations’ tab and click [+ New Donation].
- Enter the following information:
- Receipt: check this box to allow a receipt to be generated for this donation (you can edit the donation later to change the option you have selected)
- Name for Receipt: enter the name of the donor as it should appear on the donation receipt (if a value is not entered, the first and last name of the donor will appear on the receipt)
- Donation Date: enter the date the donation was made (you will see a notification / warning if the date entered is in the future).
- Donation Amount: enter the amount of the donation. At least one digit (even a zero) to the left of the decimal place is required.
- Ineligible Donation Amount: enter the amount of the donation that is ineligible. At least one digit (even a zero) to the left of the decimal place is required. This amount must be less than the donation amount.
4. Select a program from the droplist or click the [+] button to add one from here. 5. Select a source from the droplist or click the [+] button to add one from here. 6. Select the type from the droplist or click the [+] button to add one from here. 7. Optionally, enter comments about the donation. 8. Enter the name of the person who determined the fair market value for an in-kind donation. 9. Enter the description of the in-kind donation . 10. Click the [Save] button OR Click the [Save and Log Another] button to save the entry and record another donation for this donor.