Contact Details: The following contact fields are already built into the Client Application form, so it is pretty much ready to go. If you would like to shorten this list there is a setting that will only show the fields marked as required (*).
- title salutation,
- legal first name,
- preferred first name*,
- middle name,
- last name*,
- suffix
- postal address*
- town/city*,
- state/province*,
- country*,
- post/postal/zip code*,
- email address*,
- telephone numbers (home, work, cellular)*,
- phone preferences, language/regional preference,
- date of birth,
- Twitter handle,
- Linked-in address
- Instagram username
Except for potentially shortening the list to only show the fields marked * and an option to include the date of birth field and make it required, there’s no other work needed here. We will review how to shorten the list a little later.